Monday, November 22, 2021

Last week's laboratory report:

So anyways...Last week my first laboratory report was due in Instrumental Methods. I spent quite a bit of time formatting, typing, graphing and calculating to come up with what I thought was a Nobel prize winning 8 page report. Over last weekend, our professor spent a lot of his own time reviewing and grading our reports and made a lot of constructive comments on the paper. This brings us to Monday morning. As I walked into the classroom, the professor says "I've got a big problem with your report". So, the first thing I think is that I really screwed it up. Then he proceeds to pull my report out of his backpack as it is dripping profusely with coffee. Apparently, the lid to his thermos came off on his bike ride to class. He felt sooooo bad, but all I could do was start laughing. Really, I could care less because I can print out another copy. I felt bad for him because he spent a lot of time grading these on a weekend, and most of the comments have bled off the pages. But, as most people know me, I can't leave well enough alone. I have been having a field day with this. I started by constantly reminding him where his coffee cup is and also walking up to the front desk to move stacks of paper away from his cup. The coup-de-grace was this morning when I handed in the second lab report that was due. This report was another masterpiece, but I hermetically sealed it in a one gallon Ziploc bag before turning it in. I knew that it could have gone the wrong direction, but it didn't, and I really made his day.


Anonymous said...

That's great- good thing he's got a sense of humor!
If you can't laugh at that kind of stuff, I'd think all the stress would take off years of your life! I can only imagine!

TWaits said...

The funny thing is this: he used to be an instructor when your dad went to school there!

S.B.G. said...

..."Slowly consuming Earth's resources since 1971..." I like that. Yes and unrelated to your actual post.

Danielle said...

smarty pants... (i actually really hate those two words together).