Monday, July 2, 2007

My own poll.

Why do I even try?
I am impressing someone.... don't know who yet.
Below median income is shabby chic
I like it when my boss calls me $%#$ing stupid.
Longer hours, no sleep, less free time.
My kids. ha ha HA ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA!
I've been seeing this girl, but then she started closing her drapes
So I can afford the therapy at Meadowview
Otherwise, I'd have to resort to answering foolish polls with all of my free time free polls


Anonymous said...

The poll thingie is kinda fun, eh?

I'm glad you like piano playing so much.

Danielle said...

Hi. We are on vacation..

S.B.G. said...

good to see you Danielle, loving all the pics on the Shofar blog. You guys are missed!