Sunday, March 25, 2007

Done for now.

The long awaited syrup is done, for now at least. The trees stopped running sap the other day so it was time to finish up. Next weekend it will be cold again with freezing at night, which makes the sap run. This is surprising, considering we are under a tornado watch with a tornado warning 30 miles from here. Anyway, enough with the weather report. The photo of the blueware pot is the syrup just before canning. A total of 2.5 gallons was what we ended up with. After washing the jars, lids and rings, I canned it all up. the grand total is 30 half pints, 12 4oz jars, and 3 pint jars.


Anonymous said...

Pretty impressive- I so wanted to come out and see, but our weekends as of late are all booked up! Some other year, perhaps.

Danielle said...

durn surry i missed er...

TWaits said...

IF the weather gets cold this weekend, the sap will start to run again. I will let you guys both come over and carry pails up the hill...

Danielle said...

only if we get to wear a yoke...

A said...

I wanna haul heavy buckets up hill! I wanna! Can they be really big and heavy??