Friday, March 16, 2007

Where the h-e-double hockey sticks am I?

Take it easy, settle down, I took a week off from the blog. The university is out on spring break and I neglected to get on the party bus with the buxom young UW-Stout chicks heading to Myrtle Beach. My only other option after missing the bus was to show up at work all week.
Work was great, it was nice to spend the whole week getting a bunch of stuff taken care of until I'm back officially in May. (currently I'm only there about 12-15 hours a week because I'm full time at school, which technically is part of my job).
The maple sap started to run this week. Last week I tapped about twenty maples and have a total of about 25-30 buckets hanging out in the woods. I will start boiling tonight, which will continue just about nightly for a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to this years batch of syrup.
The snow is melting, the yard is a swamp of mud and sod. The driveway has managed to stay firm. Spring is a few days away.
Out of things to say. See you all later.


Danielle said...

HEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!!! I wish Brady and I could see the boiling sometime! This kid at work a few years ago was telling me all about the process. He described a wonderful dusk in the woods with fires blazing and the scent and sound of maple hitting the flames and folks gathered around with coffee and good talk and i was just mystified with the whole thing!

TWaits said...

Give us a call soon. I'll be out with the fire going most nights. I'll have a blogpost up soon about it too....